workplace menopause support -  menopause awareness training

Menopause in the workplace support

We offer an award-winning programme of online menopause support workshops and easy exercise sessions to help businesses support colleagues through and beyond menopause. We can focus on a variety of topics allowing your employees the chance to feel heard, understood and supported to manage their individual symptoms.

We’ve streamlined the process to make it really convenient for you. We’ll work around your schedule, arranging sessions at a time that suits your team best. We can also create tailor-made programmes, designed to precisely meet your requirements.

Menopause First Aid CPD

Are you looking for menopause awareness training to gain more confidence to talk openly, positively and respectfully about menopause with your colleagues? As a Menopause First Aider you can make a difference by empowering others to seek the help they need and take control of their menopause.

Menopause first aiders will have the tools and resources they need to champion menopause in their workplace—empowering colleagues, improving health management at work, and breaking down stigma.

Menopause first aid CPD training - menopause awareness training

FAQs on Menopause

No question too embarrassing, naive, complicated or simple – everything you want to know answered.

We’re delighted to announce you can now purchase your copy of FAQs on Menopause, written by MenoHealth Founder, Julie Robinson with foreword by Louise Minchin. No question is too simple, too embarrassing, too rude or too offbeat to be included, and each one has been asked by thousands of people just like you.

Join Our Private MenoSisters Facebook Group!

Latest News

Exciting News: A New Osteoporosis Drug Approved by NICE

Exciting News: A New Osteoporosis Drug Approved by NICE

At MenoHealth, we’re always on the lookout for new developments that can make a positive impact on women’s health, especially during and after menopause. That’s why we’re pleased to share some promising news: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has just approved a new osteoporosis drug called Abaloparatide for use by the NHS in England which could be a game-changer for some. But don’t get too excited as this isn’t suitable or available to everyone – read on to find out more.

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The surprising way to lower your blood pressure during menopause

The surprising way to lower your blood pressure during menopause

How to reduce blood pressure during menopause

    Perimenopause and menopause bring about a whole host of changes and one common issue many face is increased blood pressure. This condition, known as hypertension can pose significant health risks if not managed effectively.

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Top tips for menopause and joint pain

Top tips for menopause and joint pain

If you asked someone to name menopausal symptoms, you’d expect to hear about hot flushes and night sweats. But menopausal joint pain is a symptom that catch many unawares. It affects as many as 40% of all menopausal women.

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