
Each class includes 15 minutes discussion on topics such as busting menopause myths, waist loss, lost libido, confidence crisis and all things meno. Talking, sharing and supporting each other helps everyone to realise – it’s not just me then!

This is followed by 45 minutes of exercise designed especially for people who don’t like exercise, hate the gym or just feel too embarrassed or lacking in confidence to join other exercise groups. Music gets everyone motivated and each exercise can be done at one of three levels (1, 2, or 3 flames depending how hot you want to get).

There’s no complex choreography, yet the routines ensure you get a full workout for heart health, some impact for boosting bones, mat work for core strength and muscle tone, balance work and stretches to keep aches and pains at bay, followed by a mindful cool down.

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Priorsee Hall

20 Minutes Away

8-10 New Strees
Priorslee, Telford

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Atcham Village Hall

30 Minutes Away

Atcham Village Hall
Atcham, Shrewsbury

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The Mander Centre

60 Minutes Away

2 Birch St
Mander Centre, Wolverhampton

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Download Our App

To book a slot at one of our MenoClasses please download
our app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

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